依托国家级实验教学示范中心,创建一流实践育人平台 Build a First-Class Practical Education Platform Relying on National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center

本文围绕“依托国家级实验教学示范中心,创建一流实践育人平台”的对策与模式,针对实验示范中心现有运行过程中存在的问题,提出几点设想和建议。主要包括实验课程体系的建设与完善,数字化实验平台与虚拟实验室建设以及依托示范中心平台培养创新能力等。最后作者认为,作为国家级实验教学示范中心,还必须承担社会责任,提高高等教育中实验教学的社会效应和辐射作用。 This paper focuses on the strategy and mode for creating a first-class practice education platform, which relies on national experimental teaching demonstration center. To solve the existing opera-tional problems of experimental demonstration center, several ideas and suggestions are proposed. The main content includes the construction and improvement of experimental course system, the construction of digital experimental platform and virtual laboratory, as well as the development of innovation ability based on the demonstration center. Finally, authors stress that the national experimental teaching demonstration center must also shoulder social responsibility, improve the social impact and social radiation effect of experiment teaching in higher education.