Retraction Notice to: Lysyl Oxidase-like 2 Deaminates Lysine 4 in Histone H3.

(Molecular Cell 46, 369–376; May 11, 2012)We, the authors, are retracting this article because of inappropriate manipulation of the data in the H3K4me3 blot in the left panel of Figure 3C (LOXL2). Specifically, a duplicated/inverted lane 3 replaced the original lane 1.Readers raised concerns about data presented in Figures 1, 3, and 4. We provided all of the raw data corresponding to these figures to Molecular Cell and the Scientific Integrity Committee of our institute, the IMIM (Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute). The journal and the Scientific Integrity Committee of the IMIM found several issues, but determined that apart from the instance in Figure 3C, there was no evidence of intentional misconduct. However, because the data in the H3K4me3 blot in the left (LOXL2) panel of Figure 3C were inappropriately manipulated, resulting in a figure that does not accurately represent the data as obtained, we are retracting the paper.We wish to note that other experimental replicates reproduced the result in the H3K4me3 blot in Figure 3C’s left (LOXL2) panel. In addition, our subsequent papers showing that oxidation of H3 by LOXL2 has a central role in EMT (Millanes-Romero et al., Mol. Cell 2013) and that LOXL2 oxidizes methylated TAF10 (Iturbide et al., Mol. Cell 2015) support the central findings of this paper.We apologize to the scientific community for any inconveniences resulting from the publication and retraction of this manuscript.