Transient analysis of the IRIS reactor

An international consortium of industry, laboratory, university and utility establishments, led by Westinghouse, is developing a modular, integral, light water cooled, small to medium power reactor, the International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS). IRIS features innovative, advanced engineering, but it is firmly based on the proven technology of pressurized water reactors (PWR). Given the large number of organizations involved in the IRIS design, the RELAP5/MOD 3.3 code has been selected as the main system code. A nodalization of the reference IRIS design has been developed with a basic set of protective functions and controls. Engineered Safety Features of the concept are being also implemented, and in particular the Emergency Heat Removal System that is used for safety grade decay heat removal and in the small break LOCA response of IRIS (Large break LOCAs are eliminated in IRIS by the adoption of the Integral layout) This paper discusses developed model and transient behavior of the system for representative transient sequences.