The pressure broadening of the 31,3-22,0 transition of water between 80 and 600 K

Abstract The pressure broadening of the 31,3-22,0 transition of water has been measured over the 80 to 600 K temperature region for O2, N2, and He collision partners. Above 250 K the measurements were made in a conventional equilibrium cell. At lower temperatures a newly developed cell which uses collisional cooling to circumvent the temperature limits ordinarily imposed by vapor pressure was used. For helium broadening and for broadening due to O2 and N2 above 140 K, the results could be fit to the usual exponential temperature dependence with n = 0.49(2), 0.85(3), and 0.74(3), respectively. However, below 140 K the O2 and N2 experimental results are smaller than predicted by this simple exponential relation.