Numerical Simulation Of A Buoyant Methaneiair Diffusion Flame

The unst,eady behaviour of a buoyant methane diffusion flame is simulated numerically. The turbulent transport and the reactive mixture are evaluated using a R N G k r g turbulence modelling and a presumed shape (@-function) pdf approach. A fine description of radiation is achieved by using a twoequation submodels for the description of soot formation and a differential PI-approxinlation t,o calculate the irradiance field. The numerical results show that the buoyant flow above the flame is characterized by the development of large eddies on both sides of t,he co l~~n in formed during the expansion of the hot) gases. The growt,h of these buoyancy drive11 instabilities is also marked by an oscillatory behaviour as it can be noticed on the time evolution of the flame height.