Monte Carlo calculation of dose enhancement by neutron capture of 10B in fast neutron therapy.

Since 1978 the Essen Medical Cyclotron Facility has been used for fast neutron therapy. The treatment of deep-seated tumours by d(14) + Be neutron beam therapy (mean energy = 5.8 MeV) is still limited because of the steep decrease in depth-dose distribution. The interactions of fast neutrons in tissue leads to a thermal neutron distribution. These partially thermalized neutrons can be used to produce neutron capture reactions with 10B. Thus incorporation of 10B in tumours treated with fast neutrons will increase the relative local tumour dose due to the reaction 10B (n, alpha) 7Li. The magnitude of dose enhancement by 10B depends on the distribution of the thermal neutron fluence, 10B concentration, field size of the neutron beam, beam energy and the specific phantom geometry. The slowing down of the fast neutrons, resulting in a thermal neutron distribution in a phantom, has been computed using a Monte Carlo model. This model, which includes a deep-seated tumour, was experimentally verified by measurements of the thermal neutron fluence rate in a phantom using neutron activation of gold foil. When non-boronated water phantoms were irradiated with a total dose of 1 Gy at a depth of 6 cm, the thermal fluencies at this depth were found to be 2 x 10(10) cm-2. The absorbed dose in a tumour with 100 ppm 10B, at the same depth, was enhanced by 15%.