Proshield® (Organosilane Quaternary Amine) Coated Silicone Catheters: Do They Have Any Effect on Bacterial Colonisation and Tissue Histopathology?

ABS TRACT Ob jec ti ve: Cat he ter-re la ted in fec ti ons are se ri o us prob lems in cur rent sur gi cal prac ti ce. New co a ting ma te ri als ha ve be en pro du ced to eli mi na te the in fec ti ons. We ai med to eva lu a te the an ti in fec ti o us ef fects of Pros hi eld ® “or ga no si la ne qu a ter nary ami ne ” (Na no Tech no logy Mar ke ting Com pany -Is tan bul) co ated cat he ters. Ma te ri al and Met hods: Twenty one Spra qu eDaw ley rats we re equ ally di vi ded in to thre e gro ups. In all rats, one Pros hi eld co a ted and one non-co a ted cat he ter we re pla ced in the sa me spa ce. In gro up A, the cat he ters we re put in the ab do men, in gro up B in to the blad der and in gro up C in the sub cu ta ne o us spa ce. In all rats, cul tu red 106 cfu/ml bac te ri a we re gi ven to sa me pla ce with the cat he ters ( re us in to ab do men and sub cu ta ne o us tissue, E. co li in to blad der). Fif te en days af ter sur gery, the cat he ters we re re mo ved, mic ro bi o lo gic and his to pat ho lo gic analy ses we re ma de. Re sults: In both pros hi eld co a ted and non-co a ted cat he ters, si mi lar his to pat ho lo gic fin dings we re ob ta i ned. In all gro ups, pros hi eld co a ted cat he ters had less co lo ni za ti on compared to non-co a ted cat he ters, but the dif fe ren ce was not sig ni fi cant (p> 0.05). Conc lu si on: An ti sep tic or an ti bi o tic-so a ked cat he ters are pro ducts to avo id in fec ti ons pro ven by many stu di es and ha ve dec re a sed bac te ri al co lo ni za ti on ra tes com pa red to the stan dard non-co a ted cat he ters. Li ke wi se, Pros hi eld co a ted cat he ters may al so be be n e fi ci al aga inst bac te ri al co lo ni za ti on, but new tech no lo gi es are re qu i red to pro du ce mo re ef fec ti ve cat he ters.

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