Development ofMulti-axial MicroForceMeasurement Method forElectronic Device Assembly ByungJuneChoi', SangHeonRyu', SeungHwaHa',TriCongPhung', JaChoonKoo',
A multi-axial microforce measurement system that candetect contact information ofmicro-scaled object interactions ispresented. Anaccurate measurement offorces intherange ofmilli ormicro newtons becomes anessential tool forthedevelopment ofhigh-precision robot systems. Thepresented force measurement system consists ofsemicon- ductor strain gauges and6-axis force/torque sensor. Implementation ofthedual semiconductor strain gauges witha6-axis force/torque sensor that areinstalled onasmall manipulator system enables theidentification oftheapplied force and contact position. Theoretical consideration ofthemethod followed byanexperimental verification isprovided.