Hemangioma of the larynx is an uncommon condition. Irwin Moore 1 in 1923 was able to find only 76 cases in the literature; these included his own reported at that time. Huckel 2 in 1928, in a study of the records of a series of 26,999 patients admitted to the Gottinger Institute, reported the occurrence of 123 benign tumors of the larynx; of these only 4 were hemangiomas. New and Erich, 3 in reviewing the cases observed at the Mayo Clinic during the last thirty years, found 722 benign tumors of the larynx; 26 of these growths were hemangiomas. Laryngeal hemangiomas were first classified by Sweetser 4 in 1921, into the adult and the infantile type. The former type occurs usually on or above the vocal cords, and the latter, subglottically. The hemangioma in the case we are about to report falls into the infantile group. We have been able to find only 5