Test Results of a 7-Element Small Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna

NAVSYS miniature antenna array technology allows the antenna array size to be shrunk while still maintaining the same phase relationship between the received signals as for a conventional (half wavelength) full-size array, and so avoiding spatial aliasing. This innovation is accomplished by the use of a high dielectric superstrate installed over the antenna array pattern. This creates a lens effect on the received signals, which allows the half cycle phase relationship to be maintained between the antenna elements while reducing the physical separation between elements proportional to the reduction in the signal wavelength in the high dielectric superstrate. A 7-element Small Controlled Reception Pattern Array (S-CRPA) antenna array has been built and tested by NAVSYS, packaged in a 7" diameter. In this paper, the design of the S-CRPA is presented with test results showing its performance.