Prototypical Automatic Code Generation From Simulink To SPPA-T3000

The Distributed Control System (DCS) "Siemens Power and Process Automation" (SPPA) T3000 for process automation of power plants enables testing of PLC code in a virtual environment based on process models. However, for generating and parameterizing process models, there exist more specialized tools like Matlab/Simulink. This paper is about how to transfer models from Matlab/Simulink to SPPA-T3000. Based on a newly developed Automation Function Instance (AFI) SPPA-T3000 Simulink-Library, which maps the SPPA-T3000 modeling blocks to Simulink blocks with the same functionality, a process model can be designed, optimized and tested in Simulink. Thereafter, this Simulink process model can be converted automatically into SPPA-T3000 Function Plan (FUP) using the newly developed Simulink to SPPA-T3000 code generator.