Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Experiences and Empirical Studies in Software Modelling

The International Workshop on Experiences and Empirical Studies in Software Modelling (EESSMod) is a satellite event of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS), with professionals and researchers interested in software modelling as intended audience, and with the bjective to 1) build a better understanding of the industrial use of modelling techniques, languages and tools; 2) start building theories about the effectiveness of modelling approaches; 3) identify directions for future research in the field; 4) facilitate and encourage joint research and experimentation in software modelling.The report contains the proceedings of the 2nd edition of the workshop, held in Innsbruck, Oct 2, 2012.

[1]  Reijo Sulonen,et al.  Implementing requirements engineering processes throughout organizations: success factors and challenges , 2004, Inf. Softw. Technol..

[2]  Rajiv Vaidyanathan,et al.  Dictionary of statistics and methodology : #a #nontechnical guide for the social sciences , 1994 .

[3]  Michel R. V. Chaudron,et al.  A Survey of the Practice of Design -- Code Correspondence amongst Professional Software Engineers , 2007, First International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2007).

[4]  Marco Torchiano,et al.  Maturity of software modelling and model driven engineering: A survey in the Italian industry , 2012, EASE.

[5]  Michel R. V. Chaudron,et al.  Evaluating the Impact of UML Modeling on Software Quality: An Industrial Case Study , 2009, MoDELS.

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[7]  Tullio Vernazza,et al.  SOA adoption in the Italian industry , 2012, 2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).

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[9]  Barbara Weber,et al.  Expressiveness and Understandability Considerations of Hierarchy in Declarative Business Process Models , 2015, BMMDS/EMMSAD.

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[24]  Philippe Kruchten,et al.  Using grounded theory to study the experience of software development , 2011, Empirical Software Engineering.

[25]  Jan Bosch,et al.  A taxonomy of variability realization techniques , 2005, Softw. Pract. Exp..

[26]  Kung-Kiu Lau,et al.  A catalogue of component connectors to support development with reuse , 2010, J. Syst. Softw..

[27]  Andrew Gemino,et al.  A framework for empirical evaluation of conceptual modeling techniques , 2004, Requirements Engineering.

[28]  R. Mayer,et al.  When learning is just a click away: Does simple user interaction foster deeper understanding of multimedia messages? , 2001 .

[29]  Barbara Weber,et al.  Toward enhanced life‐cycle support for declarative processes , 2012, J. Softw. Evol. Process..

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[31]  Michal Antkiewicz,et al.  Requirements Determination is Unstoppable: An Experience Report , 2010, 2010 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference.

[32]  Claes Wohlin,et al.  Experimentation in software engineering: an introduction , 2000 .

[33]  Marco Torchiano,et al.  Preliminary Findings from a Survey on the MD State of the Practice , 2011, 2011 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement.

[34]  Shari Lawrence Pfleeger,et al.  Personal Opinion Surveys , 2008, Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering.

[35]  John Sweller,et al.  Cognitive Load During Problem Solving: Effects on Learning , 1988, Cogn. Sci..

[36]  S. Saito,et al.  Significant Productivity Enhancement through Model Driven Techniques: A Success Story , 2006, 2006 10th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC'06).

[37]  Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc A systematic study of UML class diagram constituents for their abstract and precise recovery , 2004, 11th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference.

[38]  J. Bach Good Enough Quality: Beyond the Buzzword , 1997, Computer.

[39]  Mario Piattini,et al.  Assessing the understandability of UML statechart diagrams with composite states—A family of empirical studies , 2009, Empirical Software Engineering.

[40]  Kim Lauenroth,et al.  Towards a New Understanding of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Requirements Engineering Research , 2011, REFSQ.

[41]  Rob C. van Ommering Software Reuse in Product Populations , 2005, IEEE Trans. Software Eng..

[42]  Ariadi Nugroho,et al.  Level of detail in UML models and its impact on model comprehension: A controlled experiment , 2009, Inf. Softw. Technol..

[43]  Rudolf K. Keller,et al.  Software visualization tools: survey and analysis , 2001, Proceedings 9th International Workshop on Program Comprehension. IWPC 2001.

[44]  Massimiliano Di Penta,et al.  An experimental investigation of formality in UML-based development , 2005, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

[45]  Marco Torchiano,et al.  Migration of information systems in the Italian industry: A state of the practice survey , 2011, Inf. Softw. Technol..

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[51]  Barry Boehm,et al.  Balancing Agility and Dis-cipline: A Guide for the Perplexed , 2003 .

[52]  Philippe Kruchten,et al.  What Is the Rational Unified Process ? , 2001 .

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[58]  Mark Rouncefield,et al.  Empirical assessment of MDE in industry , 2011, 2011 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).

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[65]  Mike Holcombe,et al.  Running an Agile Software Development Project , 2008 .

[66]  Mahmood Khan Niazi,et al.  Improving the Requirements Engineering Process through the Application of a Key Process Areas Approach , 2002 .

[67]  Barbara Weber,et al.  Investigating the Process of Process Modeling with Eye Movement Analysis , 2012, Business Process Management Workshops.

[68]  Giuseppe Scanniello,et al.  A precise style for business process modelling: results from two controlled experiments , 2011, MODELS'11.

[69]  Frank Weil,et al.  Model-Driven engineering in a large industrial context — motorola case study , 2005, MoDELS'05.

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[72]  Jan Mendling,et al.  Assessing the Impact of Hierarchy on Model Understandability - A Cognitive Perspective , 2011, MoDELS.

[73]  Eric S. K. Yu,et al.  Capitalizing on Empirical Evidence during Agile Adoption , 2010, 2010 Agile Conference.

[74]  Gail C. Murphy,et al.  An exploratory study of forces and frictions affecting large-scale model-driven development , 2012, MODELS'12.

[75]  Barbara Weber,et al.  Investigating the Process of Process Modeling with Cheetah Experimental Platform , 2010, ER-POIS@CAiSE.

[76]  W. Paul Vogt,et al.  The SAGE Dictionary of Statistics & Methodology: A Nontechnical Guide for the Social Sciences , 2015 .

[77]  Stephen J. Mellor,et al.  Model-driven development - Guest editor's introduction , 2003 .

[78]  Barbara Weber,et al.  Assessing Process Models with Cognitive Psychology , 2011, EMISA.

[79]  A. Strauss,et al.  Grounded theory , 2017 .

[80]  Kyo Chul Kang,et al.  Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) Feasibility Study , 1990 .

[81]  Michel R. V. Chaudron,et al.  Empirical Analysis of the Relation between Level of Detail in UML Models and Defect Density , 2008, MoDELS.

[82]  Michel R. V. Chaudron,et al.  The Impact of Model Driven Development on the Software Architecture Process , 2010, 2010 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

[83]  Barbara Weber,et al.  The Impact of Testcases on the Maintainability of Declarative Process Models , 2011, BMMDS/EMMSAD.

[84]  Axel van Lamsweerde,et al.  Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering: A Guided Tour , 2001, RE.

[85]  Martin L. Griss,et al.  Integrating Feature Modeling with the RSEB Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Software Reuse, Victoria, B.C., 1998 , 1998 .

[86]  James Shanteau,et al.  Why study expert decision making? Some historical perspectives and comments. , 1992 .

[87]  Luigi Lavazza,et al.  Deriving executable process descriptions from UML , 2002, ICSE '02.

[88]  Danilo Caivano,et al.  Assessing the Influence of Stereotypes on the Comprehension of UML Sequence Diagrams: A Controlled Experiment , 2008, MoDELS.

[89]  Pearl Brereton,et al.  Empirical evidence about the UML: a systematic literature review , 2011, Softw. Pract. Exp..

[90]  Jeffrey C. Carver,et al.  Assessing the Frequency of Empirical Evaluation in Software Modeling Research , 2011, EESSMod.

[91]  Mark Rouncefield,et al.  Model-driven engineering practices in industry , 2011, 2011 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).

[92]  Jan Bosch,et al.  Widening the Scope of Software Product Lines - From Variation to Composition , 2002, SPLC.

[93]  Orit Hazzan,et al.  The role of abstraction in software engineering , 2008, ICSE Companion '08.

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[95]  Hans-Erik Eriksson,et al.  UML 2 Toolkit , 2003 .

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[98]  Anas N. Al-Rabadi,et al.  A comparison of modified reconstructability analysis and Ashenhurst‐Curtis decomposition of Boolean functions , 2004 .

[99]  Jeffrey Parsons,et al.  What do the pictures mean? Guidelines for experimental evaluation of representation fidelity in diagrammatical conceptual modeling techniques , 2005, Data Knowl. Eng..

[100]  Neil A. Ernst,et al.  A Framework for Empirical Evaluation of Model Comprehensibility , 2007, International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering (MISE'07: ICSE Workshop 2007).

[101]  Giuseppe Scanniello,et al.  Investigating the Role of UML in the Software Modeling and Maintenance - A Preliminary Industrial Survey , 2010, ICEIS.

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[103]  Siw Elisabeth Hove,et al.  The impact of UML documentation on software maintenance: an experimental evaluation , 2006, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

[104]  Andreas Classen,et al.  A Preliminary Review on the Application of Feature Diagrams in Practice , 2010, VaMoS.

[105]  Ralph Young,et al.  The requirements engineering handbook , 2003 .

[106]  Klaus Turowski Establishing standards for business components , 2000 .

[107]  Heikki Kälviäinen,et al.  A State-of-the-Practice Survey on Requirements Engineering in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises , 2000 .

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[111]  Patrick Donohoe,et al.  Feature-Oriented Project Line Engineering , 2002, IEEE Softw..

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[114]  Lawrence Chung,et al.  An agile requirements elicitation approach based on NFRs and business process models for micro-businesses , 2011 .

[115]  Carme Quer,et al.  Requirements Patterns for COTS Systems , 2008, Seventh International Conference on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS 2008).

[116]  Jeffrey C. Carver,et al.  Issues in using students in empirical studies in software engineering education , 2003, Proceedings. 5th International Workshop on Enterprise Networking and Computing in Healthcare Industry (IEEE Cat. No.03EX717).

[117]  Greg Wilson,et al.  Requirements in the wild: How small companies do it , 2007, 15th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2007).

[118]  Jan Mendling,et al.  Modeling Styles in Business Process Modeling , 2012, BMMDS/EMMSAD.

[119]  van der Wmp Wil Aalst,et al.  Workflow control-flow patterns : a revised view , 2006 .

[120]  Barry W. Boehm The Art of Expectations Management , 2000, Computer.

[121]  Olga De Troyer,et al.  Applying semantic web technology to feature modeling , 2009, SAC '09.

[122]  Marcus Ciolkowski,et al.  Relevant Information Sources for Successful Technology Transfer: A Survey Using Inspections as an Example , 2007, ESEM 2007.

[123]  Alexander Egyed Automated abstraction of class diagrams , 2002, TSEM.

[124]  Barbara Weber,et al.  Creating Declarative Process Models Using Test Driven Modeling Suite , 2011, CAiSE Forum.

[125]  Giuseppe Scanniello,et al.  Evaluating legacy system migration technologies through empirical studies , 2009, Inf. Softw. Technol..

[126]  K. Stanovich,et al.  Heuristics and Biases: Individual Differences in Reasoning: Implications for the Rationality Debate? , 2002 .

[127]  Olga De Troyer,et al.  Feature Assembly Framework: towards scalable and reusable feature models , 2011, VaMoS.

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