Computing the margin of victory for various voting rules

The margin of victory of an election, defined as the smallest number k such that k voters can change the winner by voting differently, is an important measurement for robustness of the election outcome. It also plays an important role in implementing efficient post-election audits, which has been widely used in the United States to detect errors or fraud caused by malfunctions of electronic voting machines. In this paper, we investigate the computational complexity and (in)approximability of computing the margin of victory for various voting rules, including approval voting, all positional scoring rules (which include Borda, plurality, and veto), plurality with runoff, Bucklin, Copeland, maximin, STV, and ranked pairs. We also prove a dichotomy theorem, which states that for all continuous generalized scoring rules, including all voting rules studied in this paper, either with high probability the margin of victory is Θ(√n), or with high probability the margin of victory is Θ(n), where n is the number of voters. Most of our results are quite positive, suggesting that the margin of victory can be efficiently computed. This sheds some light on designing efficient post-election audits for voting rules beyond the plurality rule.

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