Method of measuring a distance between two radio communication equipment, and equipment adapted to implement such a procedure.

Method of measuring a distance between two radio communication equipment (1, 2), comprising the following steps: a- by a first of the two devices (1) emitting a radio signal (REQ) for requesting measurement a period of exchange between the two teams; b- by the second computer (2): receiving the request signal and, after an intermediate period (Tw) known for both teams, sending a radio signal acknowledgment (ACK); and c- by the first computer (1): - reception of the acknowledgment signal reception; - measuring the duration (T EXCH) between the transmission of the request signal (REQ) and the reception of the acknowledgment signal (ACK), then storage of said time as exchange delay; and - calculating a first time of flight (T OF1) of the request signals and acknowledgment from the exchange delay (T EXCH) and the intermediate term (TW), wherein the method further comprises a broadcast, by the second computer (2), a sounding frame channel (CMF) adapted so that the first computer (1): - determines, from various radio signals received corresponding to the sounding frame channel, a difference in time of flight (DeltaTOF) between a propagation path corresponding to said first time of flight (TOF1) and the shortest propagation path followed by radio signals transmitted between the two devices (1,2); and - calculating a second half flight (TOF2) from the first time of flight (TOF1) and the difference in time of flight (DeltaTOF).