Evaluating the effectiveness and reliability of the Vibrant Soundbridge and Bonebridge auditory implants in clinical practice: Study design and methods for a multi-centre longitudinal observational study
Patrick E. Spielman | D. Vickers | C. Raine | S. Saeed | S. Fürhapter | K. Green | D. Jiang | H. Cooper | T. Nunn | N. Donnelly | R. Irving | K. Hanvey | S. Rogers | A. Canas | Aneeka Degun | J. Briggs | Mina Bingham | J. Toner | S. Cooper | Samantha Batty | Stephen Jones | Abi Asher | M. Chung | A. Skibińska | R. Gardner | R. Andrew | H. Ghulam | M. Urban | S. Flynn | David Lovegrove