HSI RFQ Upgrade for the UNILAC Injection to FAIR

As an injector to the future FAIR facility, the UNILAC accelerator is required to deliver ion beams with high intensities as well as good beam quality. The electrodes of the current HSI RFQ are exhausted and the current RFQ itself is assigned to be one bottle-neck for improving the brilliance performance of the whole linac. Based on the so-called NFSP (New Four-Section Procedure) method, a new RFQ electrode design has been developed and optimized for 20 emA, U beams at the RFQ entrance. Since only the electrodes will be replaced, the RFQ length has been kept unchanged. Even with a lowered inter-vane voltage, the new RFQ design has achieved better beam performance compared to the previous design. This paper will focus on the performed study with respect to beam dynamics.