Neuronal responses in the ventral striatum of the behaving macaque

To analyse the functioning of the ventral striatum, the responses of more than 1,000 single neurons were recorded in a region which included the nucleus accumbens and olfactory tubercle in 5 macaque monkeys. While the monkeys performed visual discrimination and related feeding tasks, the different populations of neurons found included neurons which responded to novel visual stimuli; to reinforcement-related visual stimuli such as (for different neurons) food-related stimuli, aversive stimuli, or faces; to other visual stimuli; in relation to somatosensory stimulation and movement; or to cues which signalled the start of a task. The neurons with responses to reinforcing or novel visual stimuli may reflect the inputs to the ventral striatum from the amygdala and hippocampus, and are consistent with the hypothesis that the ventral striatum provides a route for learned reinforcing and novel visual stimuli to influence behaviour.

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