Dual-polarized 2×2 element sub-array at 15 GHz with high port isolation

This paper presents simulation results of a dual-polarized 2×2 element sub-array antenna element at 15 GHz center frequency. The basic idea is to use two waveguides stacked on in a right-angle configuration to excite the orthogonal polarizations by using radiating slots. Above the slots, 4 parasitic patches are set to a form of 2×2 element sub-array. Antenna presents −10 dB impedance bandwidth from 14.3 to 15.6 GHz with better than 68 dB isolation between the excitation ports. At the aforementioned bandwidth, the total efficiency is better than −0.7 dB (> 85%). Antenna shows very good polarization properties and difference between ϕ, θ components is greater than 45 dB. Also the radiation patterns and surface current distributions at 15 GHz center frequency are presented and compared.