모바일 로봇 구동 시스템 제어를 위한 선형 및 비선형 모델 기반 PID 제어기 성능 비교
In this study, we conduct linear and nonlinear modeling of the DC motor driving system of a wheeled mobile robot, which is a nonlinear system involving dead zone, friction, and saturation. The DC motor driving system consists of a DC motor, a wheel, and gears. A linear DC motor driving system is modeled using a steady-state response and parameter measurements. A nonlinear DC motor driving model is identified with the use of the Hammerstein-Wiener method. By using these models, PID controllers for the DC motor system are then established. Each PID controller is applied as a low-level controller in order to achieve posture stabilization control for the real mobile robot. We also compare the performance of the proposed PID controllers in posture stabilization experiments by using several different final robot postures.