Breakdown Voltage of CO2 at Temperatures around 4000 K and in Range from 300 to 700 K

The breakdown voltage of high temperature CO2 was measured at temperatures around 4000K and in the temperature from 300 to 700K at an absolute pressure of 0.1MPa. A voltage was applied to the high temperature CO2 through a set of two rod electrodes made of stainless steel with a diameter of 2mm. The gap length between the electrodes was adjusted to be of 1mm. The breakdown voltage of the hot CO2 proved to decrease in inverse proportion to the increase in temperature, in the range from 300 to 700K. Further increase in temperature of the CO2 reduced the breakdown voltage more markedly. For example, at 4000 K the breakdown voltage was measured to be of 55V. This breakdown voltage is only 1.1% of that at room temperature.