Experimental Studies Regarding the Mechanical Behaviour of Silicon-Coated and Uncoated P.A. 6.6 Fabrics

These paper aims to present an experimental study for determining the mechanical properties of woven fabrics used for airbags manufacturing. In order to realise the study, there were chosen two types of fabric, one that is coated with silicon and one that is uncoated. The experimental tests that were carried out were uniaxial tension tests for samples extracted on the warp and on the weft direction, the Bias test, a test specific for shear loads and the dome test, a test specific for biaxial loads. For the uniaxial tension test the force-displacement curve was obtained and the maximum values of the loads and the displacement. For the last two tests (bias test and dome test) there have been determined the maximum load, the displacement at maximum load, but also the local major strains obtained. All tests were carried out on a tensile and compression testing machine Instron 5587, while for measuring the main strains there has been used also the optical measuring system Aramis.