Learning framework of “Integrating Techniques” for Solving Problems and Its Empirical Application in Doctoral Course in Mechanical Engineering

The 21st century Center of Excellence (COE) program in Department of Mechanical Engineering Science at Kyushu University construct the training framework of learning “Integrating Techniques” by research presentations for students in different majors and accident analyses for practical cases by Ph.D course students. The training framework is composed of three processes : 1) Peer review among Ph.D course students for the presentations, 2) Instructions by teachers in order to improve the quality of the presentations based on the result of the peer-reviews, 3) Final evaluation for the improved presentations by teachers and the students. This research has elucidated the quantitative effectiveness of the framework by the evaluations using questionnaires for the presentations. Furthermore, the result of investigation for the course students has observed positive correlation between the significance of integration techniques and the enthusiasm for participating the course, which reveals the efficacy of the learning framework proposed.