H.26L Pre-Standard Evaluation

In this report we give an overview of our first evaluations of the upcoming H.26L video encoding standard of the ITU–T. Since this standard is still in the development phase, all of the results presented here are to be seen as preliminary, as is the introduction to the standard itself. The video encodings analyzed in this report have been generated with a preliminary version of the H.26L encoder. The key characteristics of the final H.26L encoder are expected to be very close to the preliminary coder used in our experiments. The traffic characterisations given in this report give therefore a very close approximation of the video traffic and quality produced by the final encoder. In this report we first outline the current state of the standard, our measurement setup, and give an introduction to the analyzed statistical measures. We then present and interpret the statistical characteristics of the H.26L encoded video. We conclude by stating the current problems and outline future work.