Global biodiversity: status of the earth's living resources.
Part 1 Biological diversity: Systematics and diversity - genetic diversity, systematics and diversity, species concepts, species inventory Species diversity - an introduction, microorganisms, lower plant diversity, higher plant diversity, nematodes, deep-sea invertebrates, soil macrofauna, fishes, higher vertebrates, island species, centres of species diversity Special loss - species extinction, threatened species habitats and ecosystems - global habitat classification, biodiversity and global climate change, tropical moist forests, grasslands, wetlands, coral reefs, mangroves. Part 2 Uses and values of biodiversity: Uses of biological resources - plant use, animal use, valuing biodiversity, biodiversity and economics. Part 3 Conservation and management of biodiversity: National policies and instruments - national legislation, protected area International policies and instruments - multilateral treaties, international policy and legal assistance, international aid, management of international resources Biodiversity convention - current practices in conservation, the convention on biological diversity.