Dependency Analysis in Complex System Design using the FireSat example

Using the FireSat mission from literature (see Larson 1999), the satellite design process is analyzed. Prior to this analysis, the physical and functional properties of the satellite system are encoded in a graph-based design language. During the automated design language compilation process several graph representations are generated. These graph representations are generated from the design constraints. From the mathematical analysis of the graphs three important interpretations can be derived. The first interpretation concerns the derivation of the exchange rates based on the analysis of the functional coupling. The second interpretation yields a feasible design sequence. Third, a generic backtracking method for resolving engineering design conflicts is presented and illustrated with an antenna example. All three interpretations are illustrated through a detailed view into the FireSat communication subsystem. Furthermore, the demonstration of the method closes with a system-level analysis of the satellite design process to show its applicability to all levels of detail in system design.