ICAROS: An Integrated Computational Environment for the Assimilation of Environmental Data and Models for Urban and Regional Air Quality

Integrated environmental management in urban areas is nowadaysconsidered a sine qua non objective of Community and nationalenvironmental and development policies. A large amount ofscientific information on the state of the environment is nowavailable from a large pool of data sources. This work presentsan innovative method for integration of these data sources andeffective coupling of environmental information with appropriatemodels and decision-support tools. State-of-the-art Earthobservation techniques, ground-based air quality measurements,atmospheric transport and chemical modelling, and multi-criteriadecision-aid systems are used in an integrated information fusionenvironment in support of environmental and health impactassessment and decision-making at the urban and regional scales. Results of the pilot application of the method in the area ofLombardy in Northern Italy demonstrate the validity andusefulness of this novel approach.