Creating Knowledge-based Dynamical Visualisation and Computation

The research conducted in this paper presents an implementation for creating knowledge-based dynamical visualisation and computation. The core knowledge is based on long-term knowledge resources further developed for several decades and used with many applications scenarios utilising multi-disciplinary and multi-lingual content and context like references, associations, and knowledge container collections. A major goal of the application case studies shown here is creating context-sensitive dynamical program components and algorithms from selected knowledge content. The selections are results of dynamical workflows, which are part of component implementations, e.g., including search processes and result matrix generators. Previous research has shown that long-term knowledge resources are the most important and most valuable component of long-term approaches and solutions. Here, the structures and classifications are used with independent database frameworks and programming interfaces. The results show that the methodological foundations and knowledge resources are very well suitable as long-term core base, as well as for creating dynamical application components, e.g., for visualisation and computation in multi-disciplinary, geoscientific, and spatial context. The knowledge resources can refer to any kind of resources. The overall environment allows to develop and govern extensive content structures and promote their long-term vitality. Keywords–Advanced Knowledge Discovery; Universal Decimal Classification; Conceptual Knowledge; Dynamical Visualisation and Computation; Geoscientific Applications.