[논문] 학교시설의 녹색건축인증제 개선을 위한 문헌분석에 관한 연구

Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design(G-SEED) has been implemented for the realization of sustainable development and resource-saving and eco-friendly buildings from 2002. Studies about the green buildings are made actively and is being developed through constant revision. However, study results of green building have not been fully reflected in the standard. Therefore, this study analyzes the previous studies about G-SEED for school facilities and check the degree of to reflect the problems and improvements suggested in previous studies. This study will be a reference of future revision Substantial problems and requirements are not reflected in revision standard. Proposed improvement requirements are classed as to improve the items(establish specific standards, supplementation), strengthen standards(designate the prerequisite items), propose a new evaluation method, add new items. delete exist items and adjust the score. Therefore, future revision of G-SEED for school facilities should reflect the results of previous studies.