Genetic Algorithms for Mixed Model Assembly Line Sequencing

This paper considers the genetic algorithms(GAs) for the mixed model assembly line sequencing(MMALS) in which the objective is to minimize the overall line length. To apply the GAs to the MMALS, the representation, selection, genetic sequencing operators, and genetic parameters are studied. Especially, the existing sequencing binary operators such as partially map crossover(PMX), cycle crossover(CX), and order crossover (OX) are modified to be suitable for the MMALS, and a new sequencing binary operator called immediate successor relationship crossover (ISR) is introduced. These binary operators mentioned above and/or unary operators such as swap, insertion, inversion, displacement, and splice are compared to find operators which work well in the MMALS. Experimental results indicate that 1) among the binary operators ISR operator is the best, followed by the modified OX, and the modified PMX, with the modified CX being the worst, 2) among the unary operators inversion operator is the best, followed by displacement, swap, and insertion, with splice being the worst, and 3) in general, the unary operators perform better than the binary operators for the MMALS.