Discrete math = 離散数学

What is discrete math? • The real numbers are continuous in the senses that: * between any two real numbers there is a real number • The integers do not share this property. In this sense the integers are lumpy, or " discrete " So discrete math is the study of mathematical objects that are discrete. " It's all the math that counts " Some discrete mathematical concepts: • Integers: Between two integers there is not another integer. • Propositions: Either true or false, there are no 1/2 truths (in math) • Sets: An item is either in a set or not in a set, never partly in and partly out. • Relations: A pair of items are related or not. • Networks (graphs): Between two terminals of a network connection there are no terminals. Propositional Logic Propositions are statements that are either true or false. Principles: Substituting an equivalent statement. Replacing a logic variable in a tautology. Defn algebraic proof