The kinematics of Abell clusters

Velocity histograms, galaxy positions, and velocity dispersions are presented for 69 nearby Abell clusters. The shape of the cumulative distribution for R = 1 or more clusters does not match the predictions of standard CDM models for any biasing parameter b. The only models consistent with the median and maximum dispersions of the sample are those of b about 1.6-2.0 and in which clusters are identified in three dimensions. Velocity dispersions of high-redshift systems appear fundamentally different from those of nearby clusters. The median dispersion of the subset of 25 cD clusters is similar to that of non-cD systems. A substantial fraction of the cD galaxies have velocities significantly different from the mean of their parent clusters. Three of these have 4 s or more measured redshifts. These last two results suggest that the formation of cD galaxies is dominated by the local, rather than global, cluster environment. 71 refs.