System Advisor Model(SAM)을 이용한 태양열 발전과 태양광 발전의 발전단가(LCOE) 비교
Assessment of economic feasibility is important to decide to construct a plant utilizing solar energy. A typical index to represent economic feasibility is the levelized cost of electricity(LCOE). The LCOE of concentrated solar power(CSP) in Korea is not studied unlike that of photovoltaic power(PV). The System Advisor Model(SAM), a renewable energy assessment program from National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the United States was used to analyze the LCOE of CSP in Korea. Daejeon was selected as a suitable area because of relatively high solar insolation in Korea. The weather data in the EnergyPlus Weather Data(EPW) file format offered by the Korea Solar Energy Society(KSES) was used as an input file of the SAM. In this paper, we evaluate the LCOE of a 100 MW parabolic-trough-type CSP plant and compare with that of PV plant.