Studies in the History and Method of Science
DURING the last ten years there has been a notable revival of the study of the historical development of medicine by the scientific methods which have been applied to other branches of history. In this country there has been no more active worker than Dr. Charles Singer, whoo for some time has been employed in unearthing for convenient reference the medical historical treasures of the Bodleian Library. The, present volume is the outcome of some of the studies of Dr. Singer and his co-workers, and must be regarded as a notable contribution to certain branches of medical history and evolution. The book is splendidly got up, and in addition to forty-one plates, many of which are excellently reproduced in colour, there are large numbers of figures in the text. It is almost remarkable, that such a work should make its appearance in the fourth year of the war, and especially at the moderate price of 21s.Studies in the History and Method of Science.Edited by Dr. Charles Singer. Pp. xiv + 304. (Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1917.) Price 21s. net.