Routine determination of trace rare earth elements in high purity Nd 2 O 3 using the Agilent 8800 ICP-QQQ Application note

Advanced technology products containing rare earth elements (REEs) continue to evolve at a rapid pace. Consequently, the use of REEs has extended from well-established applications such as glass polishing, to high-performance magnets, high-tech catalysts, electronics, glass, ceramics, and alloys. An alloy of the second most abundant REE, neodymium (Nd), with iron and boron (NIB) is an important material in the super permanent magnets that are used in vehicle components, computer data storage devices, MRI scanners, and loudspeakers. Nd is also used to make glass and safety glasses (didymium) used by glassblowers and welders. As REEs are increasingly used in high-tech products, control of any impurities is important. For example, the presence of other REEs as contaminants in a purified single-element REE material may affect the functionality of the final product, so impurities in the REE oxide raw material must be carefully controlled. Routine determination of trace rare earth elements in high purity Nd2O3 using the Agilent 8800 ICP-QQQ