20 Vincenti, W. G. and Kruger, C. H., Jr., Introduction to Physical Gas Dynamics, Wiley, New York, 1965, pp. 198-206. 21 Biblarz, O. and Fuhs, A. E., "Laser Internal Aerodynamics and Beam Quality," Proceedings of the SPIE17th Annual Technical Meeting, Developments in Laser Technology—II, Aug. 1973, San Diego, Calif. 22 Born, M. and Wolf, E., Principles of Optics, Pergamon Press, New York, 1965, pp. 109-132. 23 Liepmann, H. W. and Roshko, A., Elements ofGasdynamics, Wiley, New York, 1957, pp. 153-157. 24 Clark, P. O., "Design Considerations for High Power Laser Cavities," AIAA Paper 72-708, Boston, Mass., 1972. 25 Tucker, J. W. and Dewitt, R. N., "Atmospheric Propagation with Thermal Blooming," NRL Rept. 7038, Dec. 1969, Naval Research Lab., Washington, D.C. 26 Rosenstock, H. B. and Tucker, J. W., "An Upper Limit on the Thermal Defocusing of a Light Beam," NRL Memo. Rept. 2109, April 1970, Naval Research Lab., Washington, D.C. 27 Hayes, J. N., "Thermal Blooming of Laser Beams in Gases," NRL Rept. 7213, Feb. 1971, Naval Research Lab., Washington, D.C. 28 Hayes, J. N., "Thermal Blooming in Viscous and Thermally Conducting Fluids," NRL Rept. 7383, Aug. 1972, Naval Research Lab, Washington, D.C. 29 Stone, J. M., Radiation and Optics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1963, pp. 161-166, 188-209. 30 Fuhs, A. E, "Wave Structure of Exhaust from Transonic Aircraft," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 8, No. 4, April 1971, pp. 280-281. 31 Pindzola, M., Jet Simulation in Ground Test Facilities, AGARDograph 79, Pergamon Press, New York, 1963. 32 Ehlers, F. E. and Strand, T, "The Flow of a Supersonic Jet in a Supersonic Stream at Angle of Attack," Journal of the Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 25, Aug. 1958, pp. 497-506. 33 Kawamura, R, "Reflection of Wave at an Interface of Supersonic Flows and Wave Patterns in a Supersonic Compound Jet," Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 7, Sept.-Oct. 1952, p. 412.
A. E. Fuhs.
Wave structure of exhaust from transonic aircraft
A. E. Fuhs,et al.
Laser Internal Aerodynamics And Beam Quality
Optics & Photonics.
H. Nelson.
Analytical Solution for Shock Wave Precursors
R. Kawamura.
Reflection of a Wave at an Interface of Supersonic Flows and Wave Patterns in a Supersonic Compound Jet
T. Teichmann,et al.
Introduction to physical gas dynamics
M. Imber.
Two-Dimensional Inverse Conduction Problem- Further Observations
J. M. Stone,et al.
Radiation and Optics
Murray Imber,et al.
Prediction of Transient Temperature Distributions with Embedded Thermocouples
Emil Wolf,et al.
Principles of Optics: Contents