Memory and Skill Acquisition in Parkinson's Disease and Frontal Lobe Dysfunction

Animal experiments and human neuropsychological studies have provided evidence for the hypothesis that skill acquisition may be regulated by the basal ganglia. In the present studies, perceptual and cognitive skill acquisition as well as a number of explicit verbal memory functions were investigated in patients in early and more advanced stages of Parkinson's disease (PD) and in patients with frontal lobe lesions. Patients in more advanced stages of PD were impaired at cognitive skill acquisition as well as during recall conditions that involved active semantic organisation of the stimulus material. Similar explicit memory deficits were present in frontally lesioned patients. PD patients with unilateral symptoms showed a selective impairment in acquiring a cognitive skill. Perceptual skill acquisition was preserved in all groups. The overall pattern of memory impairment in PD is largely consistent with dysfunction of fronto-striatal circuitry.

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