Bandwidth management in slotted all-optical packet-switched networks under the diffserv domain

Due to its finer granularity, optical packet switching can efficiently use the bandwidth provided by all-optical networking. This research develops a new framework to manage the bandwidth in buffer-less slotted all-optical packet-switched networks suitable for the next generation IP networks where the quality of service must be addressed. We first present an ingress switch architecture along with a new control and signaling structure for the slotted-OPS network. Then we design different components of our ingress switch architecture including packet scheduling, retransmission management, and bandwidth access units. A class-based packet scheduling is designed to reduce the inter-transmission time from different source routers, and to provide packet differentiation so that fairness issues for DiffServ support are addressed and resolved. The contention problem at the core switch is studied. Inexpensive contention avoidance and resolution schemes in the optical domain are considered. For contention avoidance, we have used the software approach from the ingress switch, while for contention resolution we have analyzed the prioritized retransmission technique to limit the number of retransmissions, and to improve network throughput. We have also designed new algorithms in core switches to resolve contention for class-based traffic. A new contention-based DTDM (Distributed TDM) bandwidth access technique is designed in which the ingress switches can evenly distribute traffic among available wavelengths and fibers. It can shape the traffic which plays an important role in reducing loss rate when accessing a slotted all-optical OPS network. The DTDM technique is further improved in an integrated scheme in a slotted all-optical single-hop OPS network that can benefit from the positive aspects of the centralized reservation-based scheme during high traffic load. The AAPN (Agile All-Photonic Network) network using the integrated technique is illustrated as an example. In summary, all the above methods are utilized to build our OPS network architecture. We have studied both design and analysis issues in a cost-effective OPS network including packet scheduling, contention avoidance, retransmission, optical network access, and packet assembling, all in the optical domain.