Contrasting diel patterns in vertical movement and locomotor activity of whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef

Activity patterns of animals often relate to environmental variables such as food availability and predation pressure. Technological advances are providing us with new tools to monitor and better understand these activity patterns. We used animal-attached data loggers recording acceleration and depth to compare activity patterns and vertical habitat use of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Whale sharks showed a moderate reverse diel vertical migration but exhibited a clear crepuscular pattern in locomotory activity. Peak activity occurred at sunset, whereas vertical movement peaked prior to this. Typical ram surface filter feeding could be identified and occurred primarily during sunset and the first hours of night. At such times, direct observations indicated whale sharks were feeding on tropical krill swarms. Kinematic analysis of postural data and data from vertical movement suggests that whale sharks at Ningaloo spend ~8 min per day actively ram surface filter feeding. Considering the high biomass present in krill schools, it is estimated that whale sharks at Ningaloo have a similar energy intake as those at other aggregation sites. Diel patterns in activity and diving behaviour suggest that whale sharks have tuned their diving behaviour in anticipation of the formation of these high-density patches which appear to only be periodically, but predictably available at sunset. Our results confirm that diel patterns in vertical habitat selection and vertical movements do not necessarily reflect patterns in activity and foraging behaviour. Direct quantification of activity and behaviour is required in gaining accurate representation of diel activity patterns.

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