ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) code, Section XI: 1985-1987 revisions and updates: Final report

ASME Section XI, /open quotes/Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components/close quotes/ provides rules for examination, testing, and inspection of components and systems in a nuclear power plant. New editions of Section XI are issued every 3 years, and Addenda, which include additions and revisions to each Edition of the Code, are published once a year. This report covers ASME Section XI updates (proposed and approved), related NRC activities, information on O and M Standards dealing with pumps and valves, and snubbers and special issues such as personnel qualification and training for the period from June 1985 through June 1987. Summary information is also provided on Utility Inservice Inspection and Inservice Testing (ISI/IST) program results, relief requests, and current issues like plant life extension/plant aging, repair and replacement programs (steam generator, BWR piping, etc.), maintenance programs, performance indicators, check valves, and BOP inspections.