Advancing environmental exposure assessment science to benefit society

[1]  Chris C. Lim,et al.  Global estimates of mortality associated with long-term exposure to outdoor fine particulate matter , 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[2]  P. Johansson,et al.  Economic Status, Air Quality, and Child Health: Evidence from Inversion Episodes , 2018, Journal of health economics.

[3]  Giancarlo Fortino,et al.  People-Centric Cognitive Internet of Things for the Quantitative Analysis of Environmental Exposure , 2018, IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

[4]  Jian Gao,et al.  Applications of low-cost sensing technologies for air quality monitoring and exposure assessment: How far have they gone? , 2018, Environment international.

[5]  M. Brauer,et al.  Integrating travel behavior with land use regression to estimate dynamic air pollution exposure in Hong Kong. , 2018, Environment international.

[6]  Mikel González-Eguino,et al.  Health co-benefits from air pollution and mitigation costs of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study. , 2018, The Lancet. Planetary health.

[7]  V. Rousson,et al.  Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter Leads to Rapid Heart Rate Variability Changes , 2018, Front. Environ. Sci..

[8]  S. Ernst,et al.  Respiratory and cardiovascular responses to walking down a traffic-polluted road compared with walking in a traffic-free area in participants aged 60 years and older with chronic lung or heart disease and age-matched healthy controls: a randomised, crossover study , 2017 .

[9]  R. Burnett,et al.  Exposure to Ambient Ultrafine Particles and Nitrogen Dioxide and Incident Hypertension and Diabetes , 2018, Epidemiology.

[10]  Benjamin Bowe,et al.  Associations of ambient coarse particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide with the risk of kidney disease: a cohort study. , 2017, The Lancet. Planetary health.

[11]  Lara P. Clark,et al.  Changes in Transportation-Related Air Pollution Exposures by Race-Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status: Outdoor Nitrogen Dioxide in the United States in 2000 and 2010 , 2017, Environmental health perspectives.

[12]  N. Fann,et al.  Estimated Changes in Life Expectancy and Adult Mortality Resulting from Declining PM2.5 Exposures in the Contiguous United States: 1980–2010 , 2017, Environmental health perspectives.

[13]  Andrea R. Ferro,et al.  Estimating Hourly Concentrations of PM2.5 across a Metropolitan Area Using Low-Cost Particle Monitors , 2017, Sensors.

[14]  E. Seto,et al.  The Imperial County Community Air Monitoring Network: A Model for Community-based Environmental Monitoring for Public Health Action , 2017, Environmental health perspectives.

[15]  Yan Wang,et al.  Air Pollution and Mortality in the Medicare Population , 2017, The New England journal of medicine.

[16]  M. Brauer,et al.  High-Resolution Air Pollution Mapping with Google Street View Cars: Exploiting Big Data. , 2017, Environmental science & technology.

[17]  Matthew L. Thomas,et al.  Estimates and 25-year trends of the global burden of disease attributable to ambient air pollution: an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2015 , 2017, The Lancet.

[18]  B. Coull,et al.  The Association Between Air Pollution and Onset of Depression Among Middle-Aged and Older Women , 2017, American journal of epidemiology.

[19]  G. Thurston,et al.  An evaluation of the health benefits achieved at the time of an air quality intervention in three Israeli cities. , 2017, Environment international.

[20]  Prashant Kumar,et al.  Exposure to air pollutants during commuting in London: Are there inequalities among different socio-economic groups? , 2017, Environment international.

[21]  Marianne Hatzopoulou,et al.  Robustness of Land-Use Regression Models Developed from Mobile Air Pollutant Measurements. , 2017, Environmental science & technology.

[22]  Ikenna C. Eze,et al.  Long-term exposure to transportation noise and air pollution in relation to incident diabetes in the SAPALDIA study , 2017, International journal of epidemiology.

[23]  Karen Lucas,et al.  Exposure to traffic-related air pollution and risk of development of childhood asthma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. , 2017, Environment international.

[24]  M. Kogevinas,et al.  The exposome in practice: Design of the EXPOsOMICS project , 2017, International journal of hygiene and environmental health.

[25]  R. Burnett,et al.  Living near major roads and the incidence of dementia, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis: a population-based cohort study , 2017, The Lancet.

[26]  Luc Int Panis,et al.  Wearable Sensors for Personal Monitoring and Estimation of Inhaled Traffic-Related Air Pollution: Evaluation of Methods. , 2017, Environmental science & technology.

[27]  A. Peters,et al.  A joint ERS/ATS policy statement: what constitutes an adverse health effect of air pollution? An analytical framework , 2017, European Respiratory Journal.

[28]  Wei Zhang,et al.  A Unified Framework for Street-View Panorama Stitching , 2016, Sensors.

[29]  Greg Lindsey,et al.  Population-Level Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution during Active Travel: Planning for Low-Exposure, Health-Promoting Cities , 2016, Environmental health perspectives.

[30]  Natalie von Goetz,et al.  The Global Food System as a Transport Pathway for Hazardous Chemicals: The Missing Link between Emissions and Exposure , 2016, Environmental health perspectives.

[31]  J. Su,et al.  Feasibility of Deploying Inhaler Sensors to Identify the Impacts of Environmental Triggers and Built Environment Factors on Asthma Short-Acting Bronchodilator Use , 2016, Environmental health perspectives.

[32]  Dick Botteldooren,et al.  Opportunistic mobile air pollution monitoring: A case study with city wardens in Antwerp , 2016, Atmospheric Environment.

[33]  Kazuhiko Ito,et al.  The contribution of motor vehicle emissions to ambient fine particulate matter public health impacts in New York City: a health burden assessment , 2016, Environmental Health.

[34]  R. Britter,et al.  "Exposure Track"-The Impact of Mobile-Device-Based Mobility Patterns on Quantifying Population Exposure to Air Pollution. , 2016, Environmental science & technology.

[35]  Edward Ng,et al.  Developing Street-Level PM2.5 and PM10 Land Use Regression Models in High-Density Hong Kong with Urban Morphological Factors. , 2016, Environmental science & technology.

[36]  Kazuhiko Ito,et al.  Intraurban Variation of Fine Particle Elemental Concentrations in New York City. , 2016, Environmental science & technology.

[37]  J. Pierce,et al.  Comment on “Flavoring Chemicals in E-Cigarettes: Diacetyl, 2,3-Pentanedione, and Acetoin in a Sample of 51 Products, Including Fruit-, Candy-, and Cocktail-Flavored E-Cigarettes” , 2016, Environmental health perspectives.

[38]  Martina S. Ragettli,et al.  Health Impacts of Active Transportation in Europe , 2016, PloS one.

[39]  R. Brook,et al.  Air Pollution and Exercise: A REVIEW OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS. , 2016, Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and prevention.

[40]  R. Burnett,et al.  Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality and Long-Term Exposure to Source-Related Components of U.S. Fine Particle Air Pollution , 2015, Environmental health perspectives.

[41]  Chris C. Lim,et al.  Ambient Particulate Matter Air Pollution Exposure and Mortality in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Cohort , 2015, Environmental health perspectives.

[42]  Diana Hernández,et al.  Clean Heat: A Technical Response to a Policy Innovation. , 2016, Cityscape.

[43]  Bryan J. Hubbell,et al.  Characterizing the confluence of air pollution risks in the United States , 2016, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health.

[44]  W. Lahoz,et al.  Mobile technologies and services for environmental monitoring: The Citi-Sense-MOB approach , 2015 .

[45]  George Alexeeff,et al.  Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Cumulative Environmental Health Impacts in California: Evidence From a Statewide Environmental Justice Screening Tool (CalEnviroScreen 1.1). , 2015, American journal of public health.

[46]  F. Dominici,et al.  Area-level socioeconomic deprivation, nitrogen dioxide exposure, and term birth weight in New York City. , 2015, Environmental research.

[47]  M. O'Neill,et al.  Socioeconomic Disparities and Air Pollution Exposure: a Global Review , 2015, Current Environmental Health Reports.

[48]  Dennis Ausiello,et al.  Real-Time Assessment of Wellness and Disease in Daily Life , 2015, Big Data.

[49]  Ramon Casanova,et al.  Ambient air pollution and neurotoxicity on brain structure: Evidence from women's health initiative memory study , 2015, Annals of neurology.

[50]  Steve Hankey,et al.  Land Use Regression Models of On-Road Particulate Air Pollution (Particle Number, Black Carbon, PM2.5, Particle Size) Using Mobile Monitoring. , 2015, Environmental science & technology.

[51]  Alistair Hunt,et al.  Understanding the Health Impacts of Air Pollution in London , 2015 .

[52]  M. I. Mead,et al.  Source attribution of air pollution by spatial scale separation using high spatial density networks of low cost air quality sensors , 2015 .

[53]  G. Thurston,et al.  Ambient Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Cardiopulmonary Diseases , 2015, Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

[54]  E. Seto,et al.  A distributed network of low-cost continuous reading sensors to measure spatiotemporal variations of PM2.5 in Xi'an, China. , 2015, Environmental pollution.

[55]  A. Lowe,et al.  The influence of childhood traffic‐related air pollution exposure on asthma, allergy and sensitization: a systematic review and a meta‐analysis of birth cohort studies , 2015, Allergy.

[56]  Mar Viana,et al.  Association between Traffic-Related Air Pollution in Schools and Cognitive Development in Primary School Children: A Prospective Cohort Study , 2015, PLoS medicine.

[57]  L. Bernstein,et al.  Associations of Mortality with Long-Term Exposures to Fine and Ultrafine Particles, Species and Sources: Results from the California Teachers Study Cohort , 2015, Environmental health perspectives.

[58]  Lothar Thiele,et al.  Deriving high-resolution urban air pollution maps using mobile sensor nodes , 2015 .

[59]  Kazuhiko Ito,et al.  The public health benefits of reducing fine particulate matter through conversion to cleaner heating fuels in New York City. , 2014, Environmental science & technology.

[60]  Bruce Misstear,et al.  Comparison of particulate matter dose and acute heart rate variability response in cyclists, pedestrians, bus and train passengers. , 2014, The Science of the total environment.

[61]  B. Lushniak,et al.  The Health consequences of smoking—50 years of progress : a report of the Surgeon General , 2014 .

[62]  Yuming Guo,et al.  The burden of air pollution on years of life lost in Beijing, China, 2004-08: retrospective regression analysis of daily deaths , 2013, BMJ.

[63]  Kazuhiko Ito,et al.  National Particle Component Toxicity (NPACT) Initiative: integrated epidemiologic and toxicologic studies of the health effects of particulate matter components. , 2013, Research report.

[64]  Kazuhiko Ito,et al.  Spatial and temporal estimation of air pollutants in New York City: exposure assignment for use in a birth outcomes study , 2013, Environmental Health.

[65]  Sarah Johnson,et al.  Intra-urban spatial variability in wintertime street-level concentrations of multiple combustion-related air pollutants: The New York City Community Air Survey (NYCCAS) , 2013, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.

[66]  Sarah Johnson,et al.  Monitoring intraurban spatial patterns of multiple combustion air pollutants in New York City: Design and implementation , 2013, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.

[67]  Joseph S. Shapiro,et al.  Defensive Investments and the Demand for Air Quality: Evidence from the Nox Budget Program and Ozone Reductions , 2012, SSRN Electronic Journal.

[68]  Anna Ripoll,et al.  A travel mode comparison of commuters' exposures to air pollutants in Barcelona , 2012 .

[69]  M. Bell,et al.  Environmental Inequality in Exposures to Airborne Particulate Matter Components in the United States , 2012, Environmental health perspectives.

[70]  P. Landrigan The hidden costs of environmental contamination , 2012, European Respiratory Journal.

[71]  F. Perera,et al.  Domestic airborne black carbon and exhaled nitric oxide in children in NYC , 2012, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.

[72]  A. Cohen,et al.  Exposure assessment for estimation of the global burden of disease attributable to outdoor air pollution. , 2012, Environmental science & technology.

[73]  Richard Atkinson,et al.  Long-term exposure to air pollution and the incidence of asthma: meta-analysis of cohort studies , 2013, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health.

[74]  R. Dales,et al.  The influence of air pollution on cardiovascular and pulmonary function and exercise capacity: Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS). , 2011, Environmental research.

[75]  S. Rajagopalan,et al.  Air pollution impairs cognition, provokes depressive-like behaviors and alters hippocampal cytokine expression and morphology , 2011, Molecular Psychiatry.

[76]  Kazuhiko Ito,et al.  A Source Apportionment of U.S. Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution. , 2011, Atmospheric environment.

[77]  S. Weichenthal,et al.  Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Acute Changes in Heart Rate Variability and Respiratory Function in Urban Cyclists , 2011, Environmental health perspectives.

[78]  L. Akinbami,et al.  Asthma prevalence, health care use, and mortality: United States, 2005-2009. , 2011, National health statistics reports.

[79]  George D. Thurston,et al.  Personal Exposures to Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Acute Respiratory Health among Bronx Schoolchildren with Asthma , 2011, Environmental health perspectives.

[80]  Kazuhiko Ito,et al.  Fine Particulate Matter Constituents Associated with Cardiovascular Hospitalizations and Mortality in New York City , 2010, Environmental health perspectives.

[81]  E. Moretti,et al.  Pollution, Health, and Avoidance Behavior: Evidence from the Ports of Los Angeles. , 2011 .

[82]  Kiros Berhane,et al.  Childhood Incident Asthma and Traffic-Related Air Pollution at Home and School , 2010, Environmental health perspectives.

[83]  Office on Smoking How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease: A Report of the Surgeon General , 2010 .

[84]  Matthew Neidell Information, Avoidance Behavior, and Health: The Effect of Ozone on Asthma Hospitalizations , 2008 .

[85]  B. Armstrong,et al.  Air pollution and mortality benefits of the London Congestion Charge: spatial and socioeconomic inequalities , 2008, Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

[86]  M. Neidell,et al.  Air pollution, health, and socio-economic status: the effect of outdoor air quality on childhood asthma. , 2004, Journal of health economics.

[87]  M. Clyde,et al.  Health Effects of Air Pollution: A Statistical Review , 2003 .

[88]  J. Currie,et al.  Socioeconomic Status and Child Health: Why Is the Relationship Stronger for Older Children? , 2003, The American economic review.

[89]  Philip J Landrigan,et al.  Environmental pollutants and disease in American children: estimates of morbidity, mortality, and costs for lead poisoning, asthma, cancer, and developmental disabilities. , 2002, Environmental health perspectives.

[90]  R. Burnett,et al.  Lung cancer, cardiopulmonary mortality, and long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution. , 2002, JAMA.

[91]  G. Thurston,et al.  The burden of air pollution: impacts among racial minorities. , 2001, Environmental health perspectives.

[92]  E. Nauenberg,et al.  Effect of insurance coverage on the relationship between asthma hospitalizations and exposure to air pollution. , 1999, Public health reports.