Stratospheric Ozone Reduction, Solar Ultraviolet Radiation and Plant Life

Agents and Effects of Ozone Trends in the Atmosphere.- Inconsistencies in Current Photochemical Models Deduced from Considerations of the Ozone Budget.- Computation of Spectral Distribution and Intensity of Solar UV-B Radiation.- A New UV-B Handbook, Vol. 1.- Possible Errors Involved in the Dosimetry of Solar UV-B Radiation.- Action Spectra and Their Key Role in Assessing Biological Consequences of Solar UV-B Radiation Change.- Action Spectra for Inactivation and Mutagenesis in Chinese Hamster Cells and Their Use in Predicting the Effects of Polychromatic Radiation.- Dose and Dose-Rate Responses to UV-B Radiation: Implications for Reciprocity.- Cellular Repair and Assessment of UV-B Radiation Damage.- Repair of Genetic Damage Induced by UV-B (290-320 nm) Radiation.- Physiological Responses of Yeast Cells to UV of Different Wavelengths.- Effects of UV-B Radiation on Photosynthesis.- Effect of UV Irradiation on Different Partial Reactions of the Primary Processes of Photosynthesis.- Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Fluorescence Induction Kinetics in Isolated Thylakoids and Intact Leaves.- Fine Structural Effects of UV Radiation on Leaf Tissue of Beta vulgaris.- Comparative Sensitivity of Binucleate and Trinucleate Pollen to Ultraviolet Radiation: A Theoretical Perspective.- The Effect of Enhanced Solar UV-B Radiation on Motile Microorganisms.- UV-B Radiation and Adaptive Mechanisms in Plants.- Leaf UV Optical Properties of Rumex patientia L. and Rumex obtusifolius L. in Regard to a Protective Mechanism Against Solar UV-B Radiation Injury.- UV-B-Induced Effects upon Cuticular Waxes of Cucumber, Bean, and Barley Leaves.- Effects of UV-B Radiation on Growth and Development of Cucumber Seedlings.- Interaction of UV-A, UV-B and Visible Radiation on Growth, Composition, and Photosynthetic Activity in Radish Seedlings.- Effects of Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Yield, and Disease Incidence and Severity for Wheat Under Field Conditions.- Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on the Growth and Productivity of Field Grown Soybean.- Interaction Between UV-B Radiation and Other Stresses in Plants.- Models and Data Requirements for Measuring the Economic Consequences of UV-B Radiation on Agriculture.- Appendix 1: Subroutine for Schippnick and Green UV Spectral Irradiance Model.- List of Workshop Attendees.