One-visit endodontic retreatment of combined external/internal root resorption using a calcium-enriched mixture.
Combined external and internal root resorption (ERR/IRR) is a rare endodontic disease that leads to alteration of the root canal anatomy. This report describes the management of an endodontically failed molar that was severely affected by ERR/IRR. Radiographic examination demonstrated inadequate obturation of the root canals associated with ERR/IRR and a large periradicular lesion. During nonsurgical endodontic retreatment, the root canals were subjected to conventional chemomechanical debridement. In the same session, the entire distal root canal was obturated using a calcium-enriched mixture (CEM) cement, and the mesial canals were obturated with gutta-percha/sealer. The clinical findings and follow-up radiographs indicated favorable treatment outcomes after 12 months. One-visit application of CEM cement could be a successful approach for the management of combined ERR/IRR.