A revision of the species of Trichilia P. Browne (Meliaceae) on the African continent

The plant genus Trichilia (Meliaceae) as occurring in continental Africa was revised taxonomically. Eighteen species were distinguished. Each species was illustrated with a detailed drawing and distribution maps were given of each species in Africa. Botanical descriptions were made and supplemented with ecological and biological data, historical information and miscellaneous notes relevant to botanical research in its widest sense. The flowers in Trichilia were found to be most probably unisexual. Some problems of plant geography were indicated and some were solved. Amendments were made in the taxonomy of this very large, pantropical genus. Trichilia was shown to be of some importance because of its wood and because of its occurrence as a wide spread component of tropical high forest. The work was based on field observations, the study of herbarium material and on literature. The revision filled a long-standing gap in information on Trichilia.