About some possibilities of influencing the energetic relief of metals in order to favor micro-joining processes

The energetic relief depends on the nature of the considered element which has its own internal energy, cohesion, structure and other characteristic parameters. Former experiences has shown that we could appreciate how and when a metal part was cut, with the aid of an electron counter system - in a determined period of time. To join or aggregate metal parts - or particles like powder - we must reduce or eliminate the influence and effect of the energetic relief between the considered parts or particles. Different types of fields or energy may be applied in order to do that. Authors experienced some kind of energies and studied the resulting plasma with the magnetohidrodynamic theory. They found that the variation of plasma density and the intensity of the magnetic field appears in a time interval which is under - or comparable - with the wave lenght at this was the start point to develope further research. The experiences were made with the aid of an original device. Of course, after measuring and studying the main obtained data, authors have designed installation and devices, for industrial use. One of the - economical - conclusion, was that is possible to influence the energetic relief in order to diminish costs of all type of aggregation processes, like sintering, welding a.s.o. In the same time, the processing time, may be reduced.