스포츠 행정조직의 권력형태와 조직구조 , 조직문화 및 조직 유효성의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the types of power in the sport organizations and organizational efficiency through analyzing the organizational structures, organizational cultures, and organizational efficiency. The data was analized through covariance structure analysis to test statistical significance with the significance level of.05. The major findings based on the data analysis were as follows. The results obtained from this study are as follows: The analyses of the variables of the causal relationship between the Types of Power and Organizational structures, cultures and efficiency show significant differences by the types of authority. Instrument has no direct causal relationship between organizational structures and organizational efficiency, but has indirect causal relationship between them through organizational cultures, which have a direct influence on organizational efficiency. The organizational structures and organizational cultures of Closed System and Autocracy have a direct influence on organizational efficiency. The organizational structures of Meritocracy have a direct influence on organizational efficiency; its organizational cultures have no direct influence on organizational efficiency. To synthesize the above-mentioned results, in every Type of Power in the Sport Organization, positive organizational structures and cultures are important factors in the members` effective execution of their duties because these factors create a friendly atmosphere in which they can apply themselves wholly to their duties. And it can be concluded that the positive change of these factors help improve organizational efficiency.