Thermodynamisch basierte Grenzwertfestlegung für Stickoxidemissionen von Gasturbinenanlagen
The policy document of the Federal Government for an integrated energy and climate program represents the basis for the Regulation Concerning Assurance of Air Quality Standards (37. BlmSchV) which comprises the revision of emission limits with consequences for gas turbines. After commencement of this regulation gas turbine plants of firing heat capacity > 100 MW with gases from public gas supply will be faced with tightened limits for nitrogen oxide emissions. Because gas turbine technology has a relevant share in ecologically compatible and reliable energy supply, the authors show the necessary link of gas turbine efficiency to nitrogen oxide emission limits on the basis of thermodynamical considerations. Thus, a conflict of objective between climate protection and air pollution prevention and a discrimination of high efficient gas turbines can be avoided. The "eta algorithm" is a proper approach which doesn't privilege these plants at all. By its linear increase of the NO x emission limit with the ratio of net efficiency to reference efficiency this definition comprises the requirement of combustion technology advancement. It meets the thermodynamical principles much better than a limit definition which is only based on the exhaust gas flow rate for ISO reference conditions. That the "eta algorithm", which is already implemented in the existing document "13. BlmSchV", will also be adopted in the "37. BlmSchV" can be considered as an achievement although this approach should be applied for combined-cycle plants as well.