New reactions of terminal hydrides on a diiron dithiolate.

Mechanisms for biological and bioinspired dihydrogen activation and production often invoke the intermediacy of diiron dithiolato dihydrides. The first example of such a Fe2(SR)2H2 species is provided by the complex [(term-H)(μ-H)Fe2(pdt)(CO)(dppv)2] ([H1H](0)). Spectroscopic and computational studies indicate that [H1H](0) contains both a bridging hydride and a terminal hydride, which, notably, occupies a basal site. The synthesis begins with [(μ-H)Fe2(pdt)(CO)2(dppv)2](+) ([H1(CO)](+)), which undergoes substitution to afford [(μ-H)Fe2(pdt)(CO)(NCMe)(dppv)2](+) ([H1(NCMe)](+)). Upon treatment of [H1(NCMe)](+) with borohydride salts, the MeCN ligand is displaced to afford [H1H](0). DNMR (EXSY, SST) experiments on this complex show that the terminal and bridging hydride ligands interchange intramolecularly at a rate of 1 s(-1) at -40 °C. The compound reacts with D2 to afford [D1D](0), but not mixed isotopomers such as [H1D](0). The dihydride undergoes oxidation with Fc(+) under CO to give [1(CO)](+) and H2. Protonation in MeCN solution gives [H1(NCMe)](+) and H2. Carbonylation converts [H1H](0) into [1(CO)](0).

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