Kubelka-Munk모델을 이용한 이미지 기반 메이크업 색상 분석 및 도포 영상 합성
Simulating color appearance of makeup effect is an important issue in computer graphics as well as cosmetic industry. Most of previous works on makeup simulation are simple color blending to mimic the cosmetic effects. Some of previous works employed Kubelka-Munk model to accurately simulate the layering effect of cosmetics. However, the simulation limited on single point, and the rest of area are still computed by simple color blending utilizing the color of the single point simulation. This paper presents an image-based method to compute the color appearance effect of makeup application using per-pixel Kubelka-Munk model. Unlike the previous methods, it is possible to compute per-pixel application thickness as well as optical property of cosmetics. The computed thickness pattern can be used in makeup simulation for a more realistic makeup simulation.
[1] 최경주. 지능형 화재 학습 및 탐지 시스템 , 2015 .
[2] 최동민,et al. 사회 공학적 공격에 대응하는 색 기반 스마트폰 가상 키보드 , 2015 .