Computers and Education. Towards an Interconnected Society
SIIE'2000 Organisation. Acknowledgements. Preface. Part I: Plenary Lectures. Artificial Intelligence in the HyperClass: Design Issues J. Tiffin, et al. Advanced Learning Environments R.M. Bottino. Learning Communities in the Web P. Dias. Part II: Papers. Evaluation Criteria for Hypermedia Educational Systems I. Aedo, P. Diaz. Creating Collaborative Environments for Web-based Training Scenarios L. Anido, et al. The Next Step in Computer Based Education: the Learning Technologies Standardisation L. Anido, et al. Foundations of Programming: a Teaching Improvement M.V. Belmonte, et al. Development of Didactic Resources for Distance Learning based on Simulation F.B. Garcia, et al. Tutormap R. Criado, et al. Using Teachers as Heuristics Evaluators of Educational Software Interfaces E.R. de Almeida Valiati, et al. Test Construction and Management with Network Adaptive Control J.A. Diaz Villalta, et al. Symbolic Calculus Training by Means of Math Trainer F. Diez, R. Moriyon. EJS: An Authoring Tool to Develop Java Applications F. Esquembre, J.M. Zamarro. ADAM CASE F.J. Garcia, et al. SICAS A. Gomes, A.J. Mendes. Simurob and JRF J.L. Gomez, et al. Collares Ortofonicos F.J. Gonzalez Canete, et al. EXercita C. Gregorio, et al. Using Simulation and Virtual Reality for Distance Education J. de Lara, M. Alfonseca. An Experience on Virtual Teaching: AulaNet A.J. Lopez Menendez, R. Perez Suarez. ED68K M.L. Lopez-Vallejo, et al. HCI Curricula in Spain J. Lores, et al. Interactive Design of Adaptive Courses J.A. Macias, P. Castells. Guided Collaborative Chess Tutoring through Game History Analysis M.A. Mora, R. Moriyon. Using Analysis, Design and Development of Hypermedia Applications in the Educational Domain A. Navarro, et al. Ubiquitous Computing and Collaboration M. Ortega, et al. Creation of a Multimedia System for Learning about Oscillations G. Pedros, et al. Shared Whiteboard Manager and Student Notebook for the PLAN-G Telematic Platform C.I. Pena de Carrillo, et al. Guding the User T.A. Perez, et al. Pedagogical Strategies with Hypermedia T.A. Perez, et al. Improving the Language Mastery through Responsive Environments A. Vaquero, et al. Index.