Saddam Husseim of Iraq: a political psychology profile
This is one of those unique moments in history when the personality and political behavior of one key political actor are of determinative significance. The answers to many of the key questions with which this committee is grappling depend upon a clear understanding of the the motivations, perceptions, and decisionmaking of Saddam Hussein. To provide a framework for this complex political leader, a comprehensive political psychology profile has been developed. Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq, has been characterized as "the madman of the Middle East." This pejorative diagnosis is not only inaccurate but also dangerous. Consigning Saddam to the realm of madness can mislead decisionmakers into believing he is unpredictable when in fact he is not. An examination of the record of Saddam Hussein's leadership of Iraq for the past 22 years reveals a judicious political calculator, who is by no means irrational, but is dangerous to the extreme.